Birmingham, AL
I have had a passion for fitness for as long as I can remember. As a child, my first fitness experience was ballet and tap dance. From there, my fitness activities blossomed into gymnastics, cheerleading, soccer, volleyball, basketball, and flag football. Although I do not have a "professional dance" background, I have always loved dancing to all genres of music.
In December 2009, I received my Bachelor's Degree in Fitness Leadership from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. I have always enjoyed taking group fitness classes and considered becoming an instructor. While pursuing my degree, Jamme visited a class to promote and inform students about Crunk Fitness. Although I was not enrolled in that particular class at the time one of my best friends was, and she quickly decided that I would love this style of exercise. She told me, that night, that I should definitely consider becoming a Crunk Fitness instructor. She passed Jamme's information on to me, and that was the beginning of my becoming a group fitness instructor. I have been an instructor of Step Aerobics, Floor Aerobics, Senior Chair Aerobics, Core Works, Yoga and Crunk Fitness classes. After spending the summer teaching different aerobic classes at Riviera Fitness Center, St. John's Missionary Baptist Church, and UAB Campus Rec Center, I decided to further my education. In the summer of 2010 I was accepted into the graduate program at Troy University. I moved to Troy, Al. where I received a Graduate Teaching Assistantship for the Department of Kinesiology. While in Troy, I taught undergradute activity courses at the university. I also taught Core Works and Crunk Fitness classes at the local gyms and fitness centers. In May, 2012, I graduated with my Master's Degree in Sport and Fitness Management from the university and eventually moved back to Birmingham. I am currently the Fitness Consultant and Crunk Fitness Instructor at Gold's Gym in Pelham, AL.
Crunk Fitness is a great way to "workout". Anyone who enjoys music and enjoys dancing (whether you think you can dance or not) Crunk Fitness, in my opinion, is definitely the class for you! The format of the class, unlike other dance classes, allows you to maintain an optimal exercise heart rate by eliminating unnecessary track changes and pauses in between songs. By learning a routine throughout the entire class, you are constantly increasing the level of intensity which, in return, allows you to maximize the amount of calories you will burn in a single workout. If you don't believe me, then I challenge you to try it for yourself!